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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Redhat Exam RH302-Redhat Certified Engineers on Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 (Labs)

Redhat Exam RH302
Title: Redhat Certified Engineers on Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 (Labs)
Ver. 03.21.07

Example Question out of 141 Questions:
Make Successfully Resolve to where DNS Server is

1. vi /etc/resolv.conf
Write: nameserver

DNS is the Domain name Server, which maintain a database that can help your computer translate such as to IP addresses sauch as As no individual DNS server is large enough to keep a database for entire Internet, they can refer request to other DNS servers.
DNS is based on the named daemon, which is built on the BIND (Barkeley Internet Name Domain) package developed through the Internet Software Consortium Users wants to access by name so DNS will interpret the name into IP address. You need to specify the address if DNS server in each and every client machine. In Redhat Enterprise Linux, you need to specify the DNS server into /etc/resolv.conf file. After specifying the DNS server address, you can verify using host, dig and nslookup commands.

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